
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter twitter update all about kids growing up in other cultures

My last twitter update was in March 2012 so it's time to keep you posted with some nice new links. I always hope that you find new interesting information here on this blog and that it motivates you to return again some time soon. If you follow me on twitter @DrieCulturen you will get the news faster of course. By the way it's colder here in the Netherlands than it was at Christmas last year. There was snow at Easter, so now I am dreaming of the warm sun in Indonesia.

Sharing 10 great links with you:
  1. 10 Things Expats Raising Children in England should know by Bonnie Rose, who is an expat living in England, she grew up a third culture kid living on military bases.
  2. New: third culture kids Linda and Cassandra tell about what it's like to grow up in Jakarta, Indonesia
    Dreaming of Indonesia and the warm sun
    “Lucky!”... "It is difficult being a third culture kid but we would not trade the life we have lived, as it is unique." 
  3. 15 Things I want to tell my Third Culture Kids by Rachel Pieh Jones. A post written by an expat mum raising her kids abroad. This post has been shared many times on twitter since it was posted. It's worth reading.
  4. Insightful article in the Copenhagen Post today about "Growing up half-Danish: A tale of Two Cultures"  
  5. Gr8 challenge by for expat kids betw13-18 yrs Make a video: How you will make a better world...
  6. Inspiring! Write your way to a happier & healthier you by Good idea for expats and TCKs
  7. So true "when ripe you can smell it from a distance....guavas!" Brings back memories of growing up in Africa
  8. Where are you from? Third Culture Kids delve into complex answers at Clark University conference..  
  9. Knowing yr family narrative shown to be gr8 predictor of resilience. Super advice 4 our expat kids!
  10. Linda @in_expatland Attended Families in Global Transition conference & came away INSPIRED Top 10 Reasons Why FIGT Rocked
Do you have any interesting links to share? Please add them. Just in case you did not read the guest blog by Casey then you should just read "An Ode to the Third Culture Kids". 

Photo by Janneke @DrieCulturen

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